Join Our Church Ministries! 请加入我们的教会事工!

We are excited to announce open positions in various ministry teams at One In Christ (OIC) Church! Whether you're looking to greet newcomers, ensure our gatherings are safe, support our IT needs, or contribute to our vibrant worship experience, there's a place for you. Here are the teams looking for dedicated volunteers:

我们诚挚邀请您加入One In Christ Church的各事工团队!无论您想要迎接新朋友、维护聚会安全、支持我们的信息技术需求,还是参与充满活力的敬拜活动,我们都有合适您的位置。以下是目前需要志愿者的团队:

This is a wonderful opportunity to serve, grow, and make a meaningful impact in our community. We can't wait to see how God will use your talents and passion!


To apply, please fill out the application form here