Belief and Mission

Welcome to One In Christ (OIC), a vibrant community of believers from diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds. We're united in our purpose to worship God, grow in our faith, and share the love of Christ with the world.

Faith Statement

We are a partner of the Southern Baptist Conservatives of Virginia, endorsing the Baptist Faith and Message 2000.

Our History: Union of Two Congregation

In May 2023, we celebrated a significant milestone in our journey: the merger of Lynchburg Chinese Christian Church (LCCC) and Freedom Baptist Church (FBC). This union brought together diverse cultures, traditions, and hearts, united in our shared mission to serve and glorify God.

The name "One In Christ" (OIC) was chosen to reflect our core belief that all believers, regardless of their backgrounds, are united in Christ.

"There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus."

- Galatians 3:28

Our Mission

We desire to live under the authority of the word of God, in order to worship the triune God and love each other as a whole body of Christ, so that we spread the Gospel to the world.  



We strive to preach the word, correct, rebuke, and encourage as directed in 2 Timothy 4:2.



We aim to make God the first priority in our life, who is worthy of all praise and glory, and we celebrate God's activity in our lives as guided by Matthew 4:10.



We are committed to fellowship together and bring people to God's family as per Ephesians 2:19.



We are called to go into all the world and make disciples as per Matthew 28:19-20.

Our Governance

OIC operates under the Lordship of Christ, with governance vested in our members. We're an elder-led and congregational church, maintaining local autonomy while cooperating with the Southern Baptist Convention and other groups.

Church Covenant

As a church community, we commit to praying for each other, living Godly lives, and gathering together regularly for worship and fellowship. We contribute cheerfully to the church, assist those in need, and work to advance the Gospel both locally and globally.