Mission Team 宣教团队

The Mission Team at One In Christ (OIC) Church is dedicated to equipping its members to share the gospel confidently and joyfully in every situation. This new and vibrant team fosters a supportive environment where members can grow in their faith and become adept at outreach through innovative local events, mission trips, and training retreats. Whether you're skilled in organizing, creative thinking, or simply passionate about helping others, the Mission Team offers a place to develop these talents while advancing the gospel. Join us in our commitment to "Mission Possible," where we learn from each other and together expand the reach of Christ’s love.

在One In Christ (OIC)教会,宣教团队致力于装备其成员,让他们能够在任何情况下自信且充满喜悦地分享福音。这个崭新而充满活力的团队营造了一个支持性的环境,使成员能够在信仰中成长,并通过创新的本地活动、宣教旅行和培训静修会来熟练地进行外展工作。无论您擅长组织、具有创意思维,还是仅仅对帮助他人充满热情,宣教团队都为您提供了一个发展这些才华的地方,同时推进福音的传播。加入我们,共同致力于“宣教可能”(Mission Possible),在这里我们相互学习,共同扩展基督之爱的影响力。



Tom Mullet

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