Children Ministry 儿童事工

The Children's Ministry at One In Christ Church is dedicated to nurturing a renewed personal faith in Jesus Christ among children and helping them build lasting relationships with God. This goal is achieved through sound biblical teaching, engaging and relevant discipleship training, and creating a learning environment that is both fun and educational. We warmly invite volunteers to join our mission; your time and talents can significantly impact these young lives. Volunteering is not only an opportunity to positively influence children but also a chance to grow in your own faith and connect with a community of like-minded individuals. Whether you are experienced in teaching, passionate about working with children, or simply have a heart for ministry, your contribution will be invaluable in guiding our younger generation towards a bright, faith-filled future.

One In Christ教会的儿童事工致力于在孩子们中间培养对耶稣基督的更新个人信仰,并帮助他们建立与上帝的持久关系。这个目标通过健全的圣经教导、引人入胜和相关的门徒训练,以及创造一个既有趣又有教育意义的学习环境来实现。我们热忱地邀请志愿者加入我们的使命;您的时间和才能可以显著影响这些年轻的生命。做志愿者不仅是一个积极影响孩子们的机会,也是一个在您自己的信仰中成长并与志同道合的社区建立联系的机会。无论您在教学方面有经验、对与孩子们一起工作充满热情,还是只是对事工有一颗热心,您的贡献在引导我们的年轻一代走向充满信仰的光明未来方面将是无价的。



Lisa Pang 庞丽