Our nursery ministry at One In Christ Church provides a safe, nurturing environment where our littlest members can experience the love of Christ from the very beginning of their lives. We are looking for compassionate and dedicated volunteers to join our team and make a lasting impact in the lives of children by providing them with care and spiritual guidance during their formative years. Volunteering in our nursery not only enriches the lives of our children but also offers a rewarding opportunity to serve and grow in faith. We invite you to be a part of this vital ministry, helping to sow seeds of faith and love in the hearts of our youngest believers.
One In Christ教会的婴幼儿事工提供了一个安全、培育的环境,让我们最年幼的成员从生命开始就能体验到基督的爱。我们正在寻找富有同情心和奉献精神的志愿者加入我们的团队,通过在孩子们的成长期提供关爱和属灵引导,对他们的生活产生持久的影响。在我们婴幼儿事工中做志愿者不仅能丰富孩子们的生活,还为您提供了一个在信仰中服务和成长的有益机会。我们邀请您成为这一重要事工的一部分,帮助在我们最年轻的信徒心中播撒信仰和爱的种子。
Fangyu Ai 艾芳羽