Engage with the thought: provoking work of renowned photojournalist Tieliu Guo in this exhibition themed "No Man is an Island."
内容为,中国大陆人生活的真实面貌。被剥夺了言论自由、信仰自由、迁徙自由、教育自由,的人们。("The content depicts the true face of life for people living in mainland China, who are deprived of freedom of speech, freedom of belief, freedom of movement, and freedom of education. Both girls are orphans, but they do not come from the same family.
Date: April 13, 2024, 10:30AM - 12:00PM
时间: 4月13日,2024 10:30AM - 12:00PM
Fellowship Hall of One in Christ Church
Turkey Foot Rd, Forest, VA 24551
地址: OIC教会活动厅1595Turkey Foot Rd, Forest, VA 24551
Author Biography:Well-known photojournalist Tieliu Guo displays his work in the “No Man is an Island’ themed exhibition. Guo has received several awards for his work and participated in the coverage of many major events in China. He has won the Golden Lens award for Chinese News Photography twice and the Annual Outstanding Journalist Honor.”
In 2015, his family was forced to leave China and settled in Lynchburg, Virginia, Where I have lived for 7 years. In the same year of February made contact with Lynchburg Chinese Christian Church(Now One In Christ Church)
In 2016, his whole family was baptized at TRBC Church in Lynchburg.
April 13, 2024
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
One In Christ (OIC) Church, 1595 Turkey Foot Rd, Forest, VA 24551